Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The transgender(transformer) bathroom problem

     A big commotion of todays society is what bathroom a transgender should use. Some say they should use the bathroom according to what they are now, others say they should go to the one they were born as, and others say the government should make another bathroom. Deuteronomy 22:5 says "A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this." Therefore, why are transformers in this world. God made you one way for you to be. He makes no mistakes.
     Lets go the bathroom subject. For the ones that say they should go to the one they appear as now, look at it like this. Say a big bulky man that looks like a woman walks into a bathroom with you 6 year old daughter. You can't say that you or your daughter won't be scared. If it passes that way, I think there will be an increase of rape cases in the United States.
     In my opinion, there should just be a men's, women's, and a transformer's bathroom. If that doesn't pass, they should go to the bathroom that they appeared on their birth certificate. There is going to be a huge uproar about this in the upcoming months when school districts have a meeting about this subject. For now, the government is at a stand still.

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