Friday, May 6, 2016

My best role model

     One of my favorite role models is Demarco Murray. I look up to him so much. Demarco plays on the Philadelphia Eagles as a running back. He used to play for the Dallas Cowboys, and he was one of the best back then. The reason he isn't as good now as he was back then is because he works better with an I formation instead of T formation. Demarco Murray is one of my favorite role models because  we share the same position in football and he never gives up on plays.
     Like I said in the first paragraph, Demarco and I are both running backs. The only difference is that he plays for the National Football League and I play for SCISA. I admire him as a running back because his style and integrity. He never gives up on plays. If he can't get through the hole that the linemen make, he will make his own hole. I've seen him go completely around the linemen and score because he couldn't get through the hole.
     These are the reason that I admire Demarco Murray. In my mind, he is very admirable and honorable. He never gives up!

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